Journals PerPage
No. ISSN Discipline Journal Title

(Arranged in alphabetical order at the same journal rating)

FMS Rating JCR Ranking SJR Ranking SNIP Ranking
941 1076-8998 Psychology Journal of Occupational Health Psychology B 8 6 4
942 0022-3514 Psychology Journal of Personality and Social Psychology B 6 5 5
943 0001-8791 Psychology Journal of Vocational Behavior B 3 13 9
944 0146-1672 Psychology Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin B 18 14 20
945 0033-2909 Psychology Psychological Bulletin B 2 2 2
946 0361-6843 Psychology Psychology of Women Quarterly B 19 17 10
947 0267-8373 Psychology Work and Stress B 9 22 17
948 0001-6918 Psychology Acta Psychologica C 39 30 35
949 0065-2601 Psychology Advances in Experimental Social Psychology C 10
950 0010-0285 Psychology Cognitive Psychology C 24 9 21
951 0014-0139 Psychology Ergonomics C 33 31 19
952 1089-2699 Psychology Group Dynamics-Theory research and practice C 25 37 37
953 0895-9285 Psychology Human Performance C 29 35 36
954 0147-1767 Psychology International Journal of Intercultural Relations C 30 34 28
955 1069-0727 Psychology Journal of Career Assessment C 27 27 22
956 0022-0221 Psychology Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology C 32 28 30
957 0268-3946 Psychology Journal of Managerial Psychology C 21 29 25
958 0191-8869 Psychology Personality and Individual Differences C 22 24 27
959 0340-0727 Psychology Psychological Research C 36 26 33
960 0033-3123 Psychology Psychometrika C 37 11 13